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When it comes to the world of criminal justice, there is not one more compelling argument against legalized marijuana than that of cannabis vpd. Not only are you subject to arrest if you are caught with even a small amount of pot on your person, but currently in many states, you can be thrown in jail for up to a decade without being able to produce a single marijuana plant. While marijuana is illegal in most parts of the country, it is legal in the states of Colorado, Washington, and Oregon. Despite these three states allowing recreational use of marijuana, they have not yet legalized it for medicinal purposes. This is the crux of this argument.

If cannabis is such a dangerous drug, why does it remain legal? There are a number of factors at work here. Firstly, police officers do not target people who use cannabis on a regular basis. They tend to focus their resources on people they consider to be more “recreational” in nature – such as drug users and dealers. Secondly, because it is not considered a controlled substance, it does not require a prescription like other drugs do, so people with a serious mental illness do not end up getting jail time. Lastly, since it is not a widely known drug, it does not have a reputation and is easy to come by.

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What’s the result of all this? Marijuana is much easier to come by than ever before. Even kids who are old enough to be away at school are more likely to have smoked weed at some point than their more sheltered peers. Add to this the fact that marijuana remains cheaper to buy than it ever has been, and it’s easy to see why hundreds of thousands of people from across the country have opted to try marijuana on a regular basis.

This should tell us a few things about our legal system. Firstly, it is completely impossible to send people to jail for long periods of time simply because they happen to be using a plant that is currently legal in two separate states. The drug war is a global problem, and marijuana is simply a symptom of a much bigger problem. Secondly, the penalties associated with smoking marijuana have been shown to be far more harsh than those faced by cocaine or crack, even when the drug in question is smoked in public. This is because the drug in question has a higher potency than most people realise, and the user will simply not be able to achieve the same degree of high that they would if the plant were smoked in its unadulterated state.

In the end, it appears that we are simply wasting valuable resources on an outdated system. Instead of sending people to jail, we need to focus on putting more time behind bars on various types of drug crime. If we want to reduce crime, then we need to target drug criminals specifically, and make it clear to the general public that if they break the law, they will go to prison, no matter what they are doing with their lives. If marijuana is smoked in private then the person in question may never go to jail, but if they are caught driving or using it in public then they will face severe penalties, possibly even going to jail themselves. The same applies if they sell drugs.

For some, it’s easy to see why marijuana is viewed in a different manner than cocaine or crack. But in reality, those crimes cost an incredible amount of money, both to local authorities and to the individual that are behind them. Those who are convicted of using or trafficking in illegal substances face serious consequences, such as mandatory sentences and huge fines. Instead of wasting our time and resources on outdated procedures, why not give our police and criminal justice system a chance to help solve these issues?